Join Graham Webber ROI IEA for a day painting from direct observation en plein air. We will take our painting kit outside and learn how to capture the best of a subject over the course of the session.
The workshop begins at the meeting spot in the car park where we will take a short walk to the river. Graham will talk a little bit about selecting a composition and using a sketchbook followed by a short demonstration. He will explain his method for working outside and the value of small oil sketches for information back in the studio. From there participants are free to select a subject which inspires them and begin their own plein air oil sketches with help and advice throughout from Graham.
The session runs from 10am - 2pm and costs £55 per person, please bring your own lunch and refreshments.
We hope you will be able to join Graham on this day of painting discovery and look forward to seeing you soon!
For a list of materials and further details see the links to the right.
Plein Air Workshop - Oil Sketching at Flatford, 10am - 2pm, Friday 30 June 2023
Meet at the car park in Flatford - booking essential